SPOILER!!: Schmoe
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Oh, if only Schmoe knew. If only Schmoe knew that Heath had entertained the idea of making a prototype. Finneas would have encouraged it oh so very much. Especially if it involved the use of LEGOS.
But er. AnYwAy. "The FastTrack!" He read outloud with great enthusiasm. This was quite a big endeavor. He was schmoe proud. "This would be, er, this would be very useful, Mr. Jones. I, er, I like the out of the box thinking." The creativity was strong in this one. "So, er, if I am understanding correctly, each room in a house would require a FastTrack? Can they be used inside of vehicles?" He asked, thinking of some of his own troubles with losing items in his car. "Do you anticipate they would be expensive?"
In the end, Heath decided that there wasn’t enough time for him to come up with a good (or even passable) poster in addition to his skit, so he decided to make a prop out of notebook paper instead. He tore a page from his notebook and folded it until it was about the size of a 4x6 picture frame. He drew a square in the middle with a simple drawing of a landscape: grass, mountains, and a sun shining inside the square to represent the way the FastTrack looked when not in use. Around the perimeter of the paper, he drew eight black circles (one in each corner and one halfway down each side) for the sensors.
He was so absorbed in the task that it took him a minute to register Professor Schmoe’s voice. He smiled, acknowledging the praise, but those questions got him thinking.
“Yes.” he replied to the first one.
“That way, the user doesn’t have to know which room an object is in to find it.” The other two questions required a bit more thought. He hadn’t initially thought of using the FastTrack in vehicles, but he didn’t see any reason why it couldn’t. The device was small enough to fit into a car. All he’d have to do was modify the wall mount so that it could clip onto a car visor. Actually, he rather liked that idea. Thanks for the inspiration, Professor!
“Yes, the FastTrack is compact enough to fit into a vehicle. It includes a clip that attaches to the back so it can clip onto a car visor.”
As for the last question, he had to think for a minute. Based on his own experiences with muggle technology, new gadgets tended to be expensive when they were first released, but the prices went down when they became more commonplace.
“I imagine it would be, at least at first,” he said.
“Then the price would go down once supply caught up to the demand.” Was that a cop-out answer? He felt like it was!
Heath kept working during the presentations, mentally preparing a script for his skit as he put the finishing touches on his prop. He flipped the paper over and drew the same design on the reverse side, except this time there was no scene in the middle of the square to show the FastTrack in use. He did look up from his work in time to catch Claudine’s presentation. He watched with rapt attention from start to finish, giving her an encouraging smile as she returned to her seat. He knew how hard public speaking was for her! “Great job,” he whispered.
Soon his name was called, and Heath made his way to the front of the room. He took a deep breath, getting into character, and spoke with the loud, booming voice of an infomercial announcer,
"Key not where it's supposed to be? Haven't seen your pen since you don't know when? You can search hither and yon, but that important item's gone! Not anymore! Now you can track your lost things fast with the FastTrack!”
He held up the paper model, gesturing to the dots at the corners and sides.
“The FastTrack uses sensors to scan and catalogue every object in your home and stores the information in a database. To search a missing item, just type in the name or number, and the FastTrack does the rest.The sensors will scan the room top to bottom to find your missing item, no matter where it may hide.” He pretended to type on the model’s “screen” and held it out so that the following words were visible: ITEM #96000: SCANNING…
“Lightweight and compact, the FastTrack can go anywhere - it even fits in your car! And best of all, the FastTrack’s screen displays a calming landscape scene when not in use, perfect to match any room decor!” He held the model with the other size - the one with the drawing - facing out.
“Order now to get your FastTrack for five easy payments of $49.95 - BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Order in the next ten minutes, and you’ll get not one but two additional FastTracks FREE, just pay an additional processing fee. Hang a FastTrack in the bedroom! Put one in the kitchen! You can even put a FastTrack in the bathroom! To order, call 1-800-555-FAST or visit www.fasttrack.com. Track your stuff fast with the FastTrack!”
And…. scene! Finishing his infomercial skit, Heath bowed with a dramatic flourish and returned to his seat.