~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Okay… so it seemed as though no one was injuring themselves in the way that Claudine’s overactive imagination had pictured. That was a relief. Still, she’d be very careful with her attempt at the targets. Claudine did a few practice spell casting while she was on the ground and was pleased that everything went well. But she was still nervous about the swing thing as she sat on one of the said swings. “Digiti Viscosi.” With her wand, the Snakette double tapped on each foot. The swing got moving and it was with great effort that Claudine tried to gain momentum. She kept eyeing the target apprehensively but in the end, grabbed and held onto her courage. Claudine Blaze never backed down from a challenge.
She eventually let go, launching herself at the target. Closer, closer… Claudine squeezed her eyes shut until her feet slammed into something. Her eyes opened slowly and one at a time. Oh, look. She’d landed on the target though she’d missed the bullseye by a mile. |