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Old 06-26-2021, 12:16 AM
Felixir Felixir is offline
Default Flying Lesson 2 - Drop

The sky is overcast and the weather is drizzly with the kind of inconsistent rain that can't seem to make up its mind whether or not it wants to fall, or how heavily. About thirty feet above the ground, a giant bouncy net is stretched across almost the entire Training Area, leaving some room to fly up and around it to get to the sky above. Again, there are spare brooms here for those who forget to bring or borrow their own - Kamran has been having quiet words with those who make a habit out of it.

The bread is here too, in a levitating basket off to the side. The basket is unlabelled and Kamran makes no reference to it - it's been present in every lesson since the presence of bread was made mandatory, you know what's in there by now. You can take some if you wish, but be sure to replace the lid once you have some. To keep it fresh. And protected from the rain. Yes. Certainly not a subtle effort to keep it out of sight, out of mind, and out of mouth and nose for his lesson.

Professor Kazmi is stood at the usual place on the edge of the area, waiting for the students to arrive. As you approach, Kamran greets you with a "Think fast," or a "Heads up," and suddenly tosses a ball - about tennis-ball-size or so, appearing as though out of thin air - your way. Whether the ball is caught, or fumbled and needs to be retrieved, he follows up with, "Throw it back to me."


OOC: Welcome to the second RPed Flying lesson of the term. Be sure to read the rules before posting. I'll be kicking things off in 24 hours, at the earliest.

Question 1: Least favourite part of flying/why might some people avoid flying?
Question 2: How can we prevent falling? How can we minimise the danger/stop the fall if it happens anyway?
Activity: Warm up your reflexes
Activity: Fall off your broom
- Reactions/responses/feedback
Class dismissed