Barty Belcher
Shrunken Head Bowling Alley

Model: Dan Hedaya
Post color: "DimGray" Basics: Name: Bartholomew "Barty" Belcher
Heritage: Pureblood
Birth date: November 13, 2055
Birthpace: Penzance, Cornwall, England
Current residence:Diagon Alley, London, England
Wand: 9-1/8 in. redwiid with dragon heartstring core, extremely flexible
Patronus: Fox
Boggart: himself in poverty/failure
Amortentia: unknown (though folks say if he had one, it would smell like money)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pet(s): Monty, a scruffy grey rat
Appearance: Height: 5 ft. 9 in. tall
Weight: 11.8 stone (about 165 lbs.)
Eye color: dark brown
Hair: dark brown
Distinguishing Features: 4 in. knife scar on top of right forearm; 2 in. vertical scar (from a burn or spell) on outside of left upper arm
Family: Father: Filo Belcher
Mother: Ermentrude (Blishwick) Belcher
Brother: Filius "Fil" Belcher
Education: Hogwarts: 2067-2074 (either expelled or withdrew, depending on who you ask); Slytherin
Work History: Entrepreneur, 2074-2104: import/export business, restaurant owner, entertainment agent, travel agency owner, art dealer, funeral parlor director
Shopkeeper, Shrunken Head Bowling Alley, Diagon Alley: July 2105-July 2108
Independent businessman: July 2108-present
Barty was born to a minor Pureblood family in Penzance on the Cornwall coast. His ancestors were rumored to be shipwreckers and smugglers. He attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin, but he either dropped out or was expelled (depending on who you ask) in his sixth year. Since then, he has been involved in a wide variety of businesses and enterprises, the most recent of which was owner of the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley in Diagon Alley. He eventually sold that shop, though, because he felt it didn't allow him enough scope for business deals (or profits). Though he has never been convicted of illegal activity, many of his business endeavours tend to be on the shady side. He's never been hugely successful, but keeps looking for that one big deal that will set him up for life.
Barty is shrewd, sly, a smooth talker, quick-witted, and good at spotting a profitable endeavour (and equally good at getting out while the getting is good). He puts on a personable face for the outside world when conducting business, but in his private life tends to be somewhat surly and suspicious. He is highly envious and resentful of his older brother, Filius, who is the "good boy" of the family and he longs to become a big success in order to show his family that he's just as good.