Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Ash's mood changed like the tides in the ocean. Currently, she was at low tide. Low tide = bad. And the thing Ash needed to make her mood better was water. The lake was good enough. It wasn't the ocean. It didn't have rough waves that crashed on the shores and promised to hurt you and save you at the same time. But it was good enough. It was calm and peaceful and still. It didn't matter that it didn't seem threatening. There were probably scary things beneath the surface.
It was good enough.
So Ash headed to the boathouse as soon as she woke up one weekend. She climbed into a boat and just watched the sun climb higher in the sky. She stared out over the lake, just breathing.
Just breathing. Devin strolled down the path from the castle towards the boathouse, looking up at his surroundings to marvel at the natural beauty around him. The day was young and there was a whole day ahead to fill each moment with adventure. There had been times last year when he had wanted to steal a boat and row across the vast expanse of the lake, watching as Hogwarts grew smaller and smaller behind him until he was away from the Neo-Alliance, away from the constant fear, away from all his problems. Of course such a plan had only ever existed in his mind; he wasn’t reckless enough to go through with it.
After reaching the boathouse he stood on the dock looking out across the lake. It was beautifully illuminated by the morning sun. He took a deep breath of fresh air. Devin had been so lost in his own thoughts that he had at first failed to notice that his friend was there too. Finally looking down from the horizon, he spotted Ash perched in one of the boats. ”Hey,” he smiled in greeting. ”Mind if I join you?”
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