As you head into the classroom today for a quick meeting and catch up on the journal project, you will notice a pod in the front of the room. This pod stands pretty tall and takes up just a bit of room in the corner. Euka's desk has little vials of potions set up and a stack of papers. Standing and waiting on the students she is writing a few things on the board.
Water related dreams can mean you feel overwhelmed or unsupported by your loved ones.
Being Trapped related to dreams can mean you are stuck in a situation you need out of.
Being chased related to drams can mean you sense danger in a person you have interacted with and need to walk away from them.
OOC: Hey everyone! This is the second part of the dream journal project, as students enter this just have the three posts linked as their journal on their desks. This is an on going project so if you haven't done the first part you are very welcome to jump in the first thread and move through the project.