~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Claudine took two extra pictures from different angles. When she was done, she took a moment to admire the actual lights. Yes, she'd definitely be having lots of garlands and lights when she got her own place. Anyway. There was work to be done. The girl made her way to the darkroom, cauldron levitating ahead of her. When she got there, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light there. Claudine stood blinking for a bit while at the same time attempting to take a good look around. It was kind of a bad idea, nevertheless she was able to have a satisfactory view.
Claudine selected the nearest station and went about beginning the task. After reading the instructions, the negatives were placed into the enlarging machine along with the photo paper below. Button...button… oh, there it was. It was pressed and the sixth year watched with fascination as the machine did its thing. |