Kiara Mordaunt

Model: Anya Taylor-Joy│Font color: #543a88│@ mordaunt_kiaral Name: Kiara Lucinda Mordaunt
Nicknames: Kiara
Date of Birth: 1 Oct 2082
Place of Birth: Cambridgeshire, England
Years Attended Hogwarts: 2093-2100
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Current Occupation: Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions shop assistant, psychology major at WU London
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'8"
Marital Status: single
Blood Status: pureblood
Wand: 12⅔" solid ash with dragon heartstring (Antipodean Opaleye)
Patronus: a marsh harrier
Amortentia: Grantchester Meadows, ceibo, pollen and wool
Boggart: great-grandfather Alfonzo telling her she’s a stain on the Mordaunt name (failure)
Family: Parents: Morgan Andrew Mordaunt and Filomena Polymnia Mordaunt (née Elizondo)
Siblings: Marisa Caelan Mordaunt, Zachariah Kerr Mordaunt
Paternal Grandparents: Alden Alpheus Mordaunt and Eloise Mordaunt (née Young)
Maternal Grandparents: Manu Darion Elizondo and Adria Honor Elizondo (née Howland)
Great-Uncles: Aldrich Alexander Mordaunt, Aldred Ames Mordaunt
Uncles: Francis Giullard Mordaunt, James Patrick Mordaunt, Julian Bastien Mordaunt, Dominic Etienne Mordaunt
Cousins: Mordred Alexander Mordaunt, Ethan Tyler Mordaunt, Noah Alexander Mordaunt, Catherine Rae Mordaunt, Scarlett Leonor Mordaunt, Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt
Cousins by marriage: Sophie Delilah Mordaunt (née Campbell), Josette Marie Mordaunt (née Edayson)
Pets: Personality:MBTI: ENT-J, the Commander