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Maybe this was the quietest stretch of Hogwarts, but that made it perfect for study breaks. The carpet was thick and soft beneath her, and Phoebe was wrapped in a thick cardigan to keep the cold of the wall from soaking through to her shoulders.
Was she studying? No, she was actually stuffing her face with stolen popcorn from the kitchens and reading one of the romance novels that Luna had given her over the summer. But a sixth year had very little to worry about with NEWTs a year off and OWLs finally behind her, and this sixth year wanted a BREAK.
Over the river and through the woods, to deliver a parcel he flies!
Letter and accompanying small parcel attached to his leg address to a "Phoebe James", Furmagoat zipped around the outside of Hogwarts castle and zoomed through one window and out the other in search for today's intended recipient. His feathers were in a bit of a disarray, almost as though the tawny owl were moulting despite the season being long behind them now.
Screeching when he spots this particular teenager, he swooped through the nearest window and landed beside the girl...to which he became instantly distracted by the popcorn she was enjoying. Letting out another short screech, Furmagoat began pecking at the popcorn too. Hopefully his beak would not come in contact with any fingers while he sampled.