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Old 06-02-2021, 03:27 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline

Official Scores of the Professional Quidditch, Professional Gobstone, U-17 Quidditch, and U-17 Gobstones Leagues

Professional Quidditch Annual Schedule

The professional Quidditch Season runs from November through April. Scores for individual Quidditch matches are determined by randomly choosing which team caught the snitch, and randomly determining how many regular goals each team scored. Professional Quidditch score results are revealed in March, July, and November.
SPOILER!!: Schedule

Nov. 1 - 14
Appleby Arrows v Ballycastle Bats (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Wimbourne Wasps (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Chudley Cannons v Wigtown Wanderers (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Tutshill Tornados (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Holyhead Harpies v Puddlemere United (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Pride of Portree (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Montrose Magpies

Nov. 15 - 28
Caerphilly Catapults v Appleby Arrows (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Montrose Magpies (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Puddlemere United v Kenmare Kestrels (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Holyhead Harpies (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Wigtown Wanderers v Falmouth Falcons (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Chudley Cannons (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Ballycastle Bats

Nov. 29 – Dec. 11
Appleby Arrows v Chudley Cannons (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Ballycastle Bats v Caerphilly Catapults (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Wimbourne Wasps (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Holyhead Harpies v Wigtown Wanderers (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Tutshill Tornados (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Montrose Magpies v Puddlemere United (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Pride of Portree

Dec. 12 - 25
Chudley Cannons v Ballycastle Bats (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Appleby Arrows (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Puddlemere United v Pride of Portree (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Montrose Magpies (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Wigtown Wanderers v Kenmare Kestrels (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Holyhead Harpies (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Caerphilly Catapults

Dec. 26 – Jan. 8
Appleby Arrows v Holyhead Harpies (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Ballycastle Bats v Falmouth Falcons (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Chudley Cannons (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Wimbourne Wasps (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Montrose Magpies v Wigtown Wanderers (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Tutshill Tornados (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Puddlemere United

Jan. 9 - 22
Falmouth Falcons v Caerphilly Catapults (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Holyhead Harpies v Ballycastle Bats (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Appleby Arrows (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Puddlemere United (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Wigtown Wanderers v Pride of Portree (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Montrose Magpies (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Chudley Cannons

Jan. 23 – Feb. 8
Appleby Arrows v Montrose Magpies (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Ballycastle Bats v Kenmare Kestrels (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Holyhead Harpies (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Chudley Cannons v Falmouth Falcons (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Wimbourne Wasps (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Puddlemere United v Wigtown Wanderers (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Tutshill Tornados

Feb. 9 - 22
Holyhead Harpies v Chudley Cannons (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Caerphilly Catapults (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Montrose Magpies v Ballycastle Bats (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Appleby Arrows (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Wigtown Wanderers v Tutshill Tornados (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Puddlemere United (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Falmouth Falcons

Feb. 23 – Mar. 5
Appleby Arrows v Puddlemere United (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Ballycastle Bats v Pride of Portree (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Montrose Magpies (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Chudley Cannons v Kenmare Kestrels (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Holyhead Harpies (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Wimbourne Wasps (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Wigtown Wanderers

Mar. 6 - 19
Kenmare Kestrels v Falmouth Falcons (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Montrose Magpies v Chudley Cannons (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Caerphilly Catapults (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Puddlemere United v Ballycastle Bats (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Appleby Arrows (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Wigtown Wanderers (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Holyhead Harpies

Mar. 20 – Apr. 3
Appleby Arrows v Wigtown Wanderers (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Ballycastle Bats v Tutshill Tornados (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Puddlemere United (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Chudley Cannons v Pride of Portree (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Montrose Magpies (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Holyhead Harpies v Kenmare Kestrels (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Wimbourne Wasps

Apr. 4 - 17
Montrose Magpies v Holyhead Harpies (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Pride of Portree v Falmouth Falcons (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Puddlemere United v Chudley Cannons (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Tutshill Tornados v Caerphilly Catapults (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Wigtown Wanderers v Ballycastle Bats (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Wimbourne Wasps v Appleby Arrows (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Kenmare Kestrels

Apr. 18 - 30
Ballycastle Bats v Wimbourne Wasps (Bodmin Moor Millenium Stadium)
Caerphilly Catapults v Wigtown Wanderers (Ellis Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Chudley Cannons v Tutshill Tornados (Exmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Falmouth Falcons v Puddlemere United (Ilkley Moor Quidditch Stadium)
Holyhead Harpies v Pride of Portree (Yorkshire Moors Quidditch Stadium)
Kenmare Kestrels v Montrose Magpies (Dartmoor Quidditch Stadium)
Bye: Appleby Arrows

Originally Posted by Scoring mechanics
  1. The Snitch catch is determined by a coin toss (H = home team, T = visiting team).
  2. The Snitch is worth 150 points.
  3. The Quaffles are determined using a random number generator set to pull from numbers 0-20. The resulting number is multiplied by 10 (ex. 2 = 20 and 16 = 160).
  4. The team that grabbed the Snitch is bolded regardless of win.
Professional Gobstones Annual Schedule

The professional Gobstone League runs from May through September. Scores for individual Gobstones matches are determined by randomly choosing which team won the match (scored 15 first), and random determining the result for the losing team. Professional Gobstones score results are revealed every January, May, and September.
SPOILER!!: Schedule

May 1-13
Barnton Basilisks v Galloway Ghouls
Hereford Hippogriffs v Ilkley Ironbellies
Tinworth Talons v Upper Flagley Firecrabs

May 14-27
Hereford Hippogriffs v Galloway Ghouls
Tinworth Talons v Barnton Basilisks
Upper Flagley Firecrabs v Ilkley Ironbellies

May 28-June 10
Barnton Basilisks v Upper Flagley Firecrabs
Galloway Ghouls v Ilkley Ironbellies
Tinworth Talons v Hereford Hippogriffs

June 11-24
Tinworth Talons v Galloway Ghouls
Barnton Basilisks v Ilkley Ironbellies
Upper Flagley Firecrabs v Hereford Hippogriffs

June 25-July 8
Barnton Basilisks v Hereford Hippogriffs
Galloway Ghouls v Upper Flagley Firecrabs
Ilkley Ironbellies v Tinworth Talons

July 9- 22
Galloway Ghouls v Barnton Basilisks
Ilkley Ironbellies v Hereford Hippogriffs
Upper Flagley Firecrabs v Tinworth Talons

July 23-August 5
Galloway Ghouls v Hereford Hippogriffs
Barnton Basilisks v Tinworth Talons
Ilkley Ironbellies v Upper Flagley Firecrabs

August 6- 19
Upper Flagley Firecrabs v Barnton Basilisks
Ilkley Ironbellies v Galloway Ghouls
Hereford Hippogriffs v Tinworth Talons

August 20-September 2
Galloway Ghouls v Tinworth Talons
Ilkley Ironbellies v Barnton Basilisks
Hereford Hippogriffs v Upper Flagley Firecrabs

September 3-16
Hereford Hippogriffs v Barnton Basilisks
Upper Flagley Firecrabs v Galloway Ghouls
Tinworth Talons v Ilkley Ironbellies

September 17-30
Playoffs and Championship games

U-17 Quidditch League Annual Schedule

The U17 League runs from June through August. U-17 Quidditch score results are revealed every January, May, and September.
SPOILER!!: Schedule

June 25-30
England U17 vs. Republic of Ireland U17
Northern Ireland U17 vs. Wales U17
Bye: Scotland U17

July 1-7
Wales U17 vs. England U17
Northern Ireland U17 vs. Scotland U17
Bye: Republic of Ireland U17

July 8-14
England U17 vs. Scotland U17
Republic of Ireland U17 vs. Wales U17
Bye: Northern Ireland

July 15- 21
Northern Ireland U17 vs. England U17
Scotland U17 vs. Republic of Ireland U17
Bye: Wales U17

July 22-28
Republic of Ireland U17 vs. Northern Ireland U17
Scotland U17 vs. Wales U17
Bye: England U17

July 29- Aug. 4
Republic of Ireland U17 vs. England U17
Wales U17 vs. Northern Ireland U17
Bye: Scotland U17

Aug. 5-11
England U17 vs. Wales U17
Scotland U17 vs. Northern Ireland U17
Bye: Republic of Ireland

Aug. 12-18
Scotland U17 vs. England U17
Wales U17 vs. Republic of Ireland U17
Bye: Northern Ireland

Aug. 19-25
England U17 vs. Northern Ireland U17
Republic of Ireland U17 vs. Scotland U17
Bye: Wales U17

Aug. 26-31
Northern Ireland U17 vs. Republic of Ireland U17
Wales U17 vs. Scotland U17
Bye: England U17

U-17 Gobstones League Annual Schedule

The U-17 Gobstones runs from July through August. The season involves a combination of playing other U-17 clubs, scrimmaging within the club, and training with the associated Professonal Gobstones Club. Junior Gobstones score results are revealed every January, May, and September.
SPOILER!!: schedule

July 1-7
All scrimmage

July 8-14
All scrimmage

July 15- 21
Hippogriffs vs. Basilisks
Firecrabs scrimmage

July 22-28
Hippogriffs vs. Firecrabs
Basilisks scrimmage

July 29-Aug. 4
Firecrabs vs. Basilisks
Hippogriffs scrimmage

Aug. 5-11
Basilisks vs. Hippogriffs
Firecrabs scrimmage

Aug. 12-18
Firecrabs vs. Hippogriffs
Basilisks scrimmage

Aug. 19-25
Basilisks vs. Firecrabs
Hippogriffs scrimmage

Aug. 26-31
Training with professionals

How are scores and winners determined?
Season winners/final standings are determined based on win/loss percentage ranking. When two teams both won the same number of matches, the winner of the head-to-head match(es) will be used as a tie-breaker. If those teams split their head-to-head matches, points scored will be used to break the tie.