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Old 06-01-2021, 10:47 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Avalon Sinclair

A V A L O N_ S I N C L A I R
Face Claim: Lily Collins
Post Font: Century Gothic
Post Color: Persian Indigo (#430F7B)

b a s i c s
Full Name: Avalon Eloise Sinclair
Gender: Female
House: Ravenclaw
Year: Seventh
Class Of: 2105
Date of Birth: March 13, 2087
Place of Birth: Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England
Current Residence: Notting Hill, London, England
Languages: English & French
e d u c a t i o n
Pre-Hogwarts: St. Woboldo's Primary School (Hexagon Alley, London, England)
Best Subjects: Transfiguration, Charms
Worst Subjects: Herbology, Ancient Runes
Extracurriculuars: Yearbook, Duelling Club, Magical Debate
m a g i c
Blood Status: Halfblood
Wand: 10 1/2" stiff hickory with hippogriff feather core
Patronus: Not yet achieved
Boggart: Swarm of wasps
Amortentia: Peppermint tea, fresh book pages, summer rain
a p p e a r a n c e
Height: 5'8"
Weight: That's a bit personal, don't you think?
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Thin scar along right wrist from a broomstick accident
f a m i l y
Father: Theodore Sinclair, liaison, Department of International Magical Cooperation, British Ministry of Magic
Mother: Madeleine Sinclair (née Deschamps), fashion journalist, Witchluxe Magazine
Siblings: Archer (24) and Amelia (19)
Paternal Grandparents: Hugh and Scarlett Sinclair
Maternal Grandparents: Bertrand and Margaux Deschamps
Pets: Fluffy black cat named Shadow
p e r s o n a l i t y
Personality Type: INTJ-A; Architect
"Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything. People with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive... ambitious yet like their privacy... curious about everything but remain focused."
Traits: confident, creative, judgmental, strategic, quick-witted, ambitious, stubborn, innovative
Likes: fashion design, reading, playing Quidditch (chaser), traveling
Dislikes: phony people, pretentiousness, arithmetic, herbology (due to an unfortunate run-in with a Venomous Tentacula at age 6)

Text Cut: History
Avalon Eloise Sinclair was born to pureblood Theodore Sinclair (of London, England) and muggle-born Madeleine Sinclair (of Cannes, France) on March 13, 2087 in the small village of Ashwell, Hertfordshire, England. Her parents had spent the last several years traveling for Theodore's job in the Department of International Magical Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic, so they were looking forward to settling down for good with their family in the United Kingdom. Avalon enjoyed growing up in the countryside - she had plenty of room to run and play with her siblings, Archer and Amelia. She attended St. Woboldo's Primary Wizarding School in London, where she excelled in most of her subjects. When Avalon was seven years old, the Sinclair family relocated to Notting Hill to be closer to Madeleine's new job as a journalist and photographer for a wizarding world fashion magazine. Living in one of the trendiest neighborhoods in London had its perks for Avalon - she developed a keen sense for fashion and beauty (thanks to her mother's expertise) and made friends with some of the most affluent muggle children in all of London. However, she soon realized that money wasn't everything, and she developed a firm opposition to the pretentiousness of the wealthy muggle families. She also grew weary of having to hide her family's magical abilities. After all, because they lived in a primarily muggle neighborhood, the Sinclairs could only practice magic behind closed doors. Avalon itched to let her magic free, and one day, at the ripe young age of 9, she stole one of her older brother's broomsticks. She made it about 14 feet off the ground before losing control and crashing back down into the Sinclair's backyard. After a broken wrist, an obliviate charm to the three muggles who happened to see her, and a stern punishment from her parents, Avalon knew she couldn't let her magic loose anymore, so she waited somewhat impatiently to come of age to attend secondary wizarding school. She was ecstatic to receive her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts. Her father attended Hogwarts back in the day as a Gryffindor, and as the first of the Sinclair offspring to attend, she couldn't wait to tell her siblings all about her adventures.

Text Cut: Year 1
Avalon had a very successful first year at Hogwarts. After being sorted into Ravenclaw house, she immersed herself into her studies. She quickly found out that she didn't love Potions class as much as she expected. To her disappointment, she didn't share her siblings' potion-making talents. However, the young Ravenclaw discovered that she had a particular knack for Transfiguration. Avalon tried out for the Quidditch team, and to her delight, made the house roster as a chaser. She looked forward to practices every week, and although it was difficult at times to manage the sport, her social life, and her studies, she ended the year as the second top point-earner for Ravenclaw house.

Text Cut: Year 2
Because of the mist situation at Hogwarts, Avalon (along with her classmates and professors) relocated to Beauxbatons for her second year of school. She was quite excited to see the school that her sister Amelia called home. As a Ravenclaw student, she shared a common room with Ombrelune House. Avalon was relieved that her classes were relatively the same as they had been at Hogwarts, with the exception of Care of Magical Creatures. However, she was quite disappointed that Quidditch was suspended until further notice, and she quickly learned that the French students weren't as welcoming as she imagined they would be. Instead of flying practice, she filled her spare time with wandering around the grounds, which proved to be a fulfilling pasttime until she fell victim to a particularly nasty sticking charm in one of the corridors. In spite of the drama that ensued at Beauxbatons, Avalon ended the year tied for the top point-earner for Ravenclaw. She was extremely relieved to hear that they could return to Hogwarts for the next term.

Text Cut: Year 3
Avalon's third year was pretty uneventful except for the portraits of the Hogwarts founders basically taking over the school. As it was another year without Quidditch, she was forced to come up with some new hobbies, so she decided to take up fashion design in her spare time. One of her fondest memories from the year was attending the Halloween party in a phoenix-inspired dress that she had designed and transfigured for herself, thanks to some help from Professor Eris. She also spent quite a lot of time studying up on Potions, as she was determined to improve her skills. Her dedication was successful, and while she definitely wasn't the best potion-maker in the school, she had improved remarkably. She ended the year again as one of the top point-earners for Ravenclaw house.

Text Cut: Year 4
Year 4 started out great for Avalon. She made plenty of new friends, excelled at most of her classes (she even made it through the first disastrous Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the term relatively unscathed - with bragging rights for successfully bridling a kelpie), and had time to dedicate to her fashion design and sewing projects. Although she failed miserably at taming a kneazle in Care of Magical Creatures, Avalon continued to improve her potion-making and ancient runes skills. She was even introduced to the wonderful world of jazzercise thanks to Professor Schmoe. But leave it to a magical weather phenomenon to turn things upside down. Just before Halloween, the Ravenclaw encountered a mysterious weather reporter lurking near the front gates. (To this day, she is astounded that she didn't lose any house points for accidentally bringing a stranger into the castle.) It was difficult to make it through the rest of the term without magic and a functioning memory, not to mention that she had to wear nearly five times as much blush to bring some much-needed color to her increasingly translucent cheeks. Despite temporarily forgetting all of her professors' names and basically everything that happened to her, Avalon ended the year on a high note: passing her exams with the highest marks, earning lots of points for Ravenclaw, and helping her professors and classmates restore magic at Hogwarts.

Text Cut: Year 5
Avalon was beyond excited when a Hogwarts owl arrived at her home over the summer holiday with a prefect badge in tow. She enthusiastically accepted and was thrilled about her newfound student leadership status. For the first time, she got to ride in the prefects' compartment on the Hogwarts Express and use the prefects' bathroom. Unfortunately, her term didn't start out as wonderful as she had expected, as she received her first-ever detention after Defense Against the Dark Arts. (Which, if she may add, was not her fault and a completely unfair sentencing.) As the year progressed, she continued studying intensely for her OWLs, all while enjoying the newfound upgrades to Hogwarts like the swimming pool. Things started to get a little hairy when Avalon was possessed by Sylvester, the angry ghost whose treasure had been used to purchase extravagant items for the castle. Sylvester slowly began to take over her mind, at one point sending her to the Forbidden Forest to set the whole thing on fire. Thankfully, the Ravenclaw escaped from the whole thing relatively unscathed, save for some singed hair and burned robes. If she were able to speak to any of the Gryffindors right now that opened that treasure chest earlier in the term, she would exclaim a big "told you so."

Text Cut: Year 6
From the moment she sat down at the opening feast, Avalon knew it was going to be a tumultuous year. For one, her prefect badge was revoked by Trent-who-actually-turned-out-to-be-Rosier. Then, the whole Neo-Alliance takeover thing, which was less than opportune. Due to her halfblood heritage, she was eventually banished to the dank & dreary Room, where she had to sleep on the floor amongst the spiders and basically never see the light of day unless she was on her way to a lesson. Again, less than opportune. The horrible term got even more horrible when it resulted in a full-blown war. During the battle, Avalon chose to take a stand and fight for Hogwarts. She successfully warded off a clan of Inferi and stunned a couple of Neo-Alliance goons, though the high of the experience was quickly stomped out by the serious concussion she received as a result. And after it all, for some crazy reason, Avalon decided to come back to Hogwarts again for Year 7.
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