Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ash had like, questions and stuff. About things. Like memories, and dreams, and that kind of stuff. Yeah. And she knew that Professor Recard was no longer in charge of being the Healer, but she was the healer when Ash was possessed, so maybe she'd still know what to do? About memories. Things she didn't want to talk about to Professor Peralta, and especially not "HEALER POPPY". Mind stuff. So yes. She was here. With questions. Sorry to mess up your day, professor. The thought tasted sour inside of her head. But not like lemons. More like spoiled milk. She seriously doubted that Professor Recard would enjoy seeing her, seeing as they only really met when Ash was injured or in trouble for something. She probably gave the now-deputy-headmistress a massive headache. But Ash was here anyways. Of course she had decided to show up. So it goes. |