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DaniDiNardo Uuugghhh, just what she needed, a first year trying to fix her problems. They weren’t exactly...good at many things and this one didn’t inspire much hope in Emmerson, so the girl kept on with what she was doing, whacking and swatting at the mouse, determined to crush it if she couldn’t make it get off her.
Merlin help her magazine live through this horrid ordeal.
“You really wanna help, cast something useful.” Could they even do that? They didn’t learn many useful things in first year and she didn’t have the time for fumbling around while she waited.
“Know what? Emmerson went perfectly still, all the better to FEEL where the little critter was. She would find it and she would entirely obliterate it. “Find it before I do and I won’t stomp it into nothing.” Proper use of that night vision. Meanwhile, she would depend on her senses like the Professor hinted on earlier.
Was that on her shoulder?
Cast something?!!? What exactly was she supposed to cast?
For a moment, she thought about using the water shooting spell at
Emmerson the mouse. That’d keep her housemate occupied long enough for her to make her escape, since she wasn’t sure if the older student even knew her name. It was better that way, though. Nah… she’d probably get herself into detention if she pulled that.
Remy stood, idly, wiggling her wand as she wracked her brain thinking of spells to use. During her contemplation, the mouse had perched itself quite happily upon Emmerson’s shoulder.
This was her chance to do something…
She automatically lunged forwards and grasped her hands around the mouse. That was her main priority…. crashing into Emmerson was a very sad accident……