not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤ Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson Lisa had been avoiding the Whomping Willow after learning of horrendous tales of people getting injured and the tree itself having a foul temperament. Originally she had been planning on going on and avoiding it but she did see Alfie, her fellow first year adventurer, roaming about the grounds. Worried about his safety, she decided to follow him at the distance and hope that he wasnt going near the Willow. She didn’t have enough skills to SAVE anyone yet- even herself. Besides she was terrified of mice trying to control her by jumping on top of her (a la ratatouille - thanks Pixar/Disney -___-) aaand now she was terrified that Maya, the Kneazle, was plotting her death (Thanks Atlas -_-). HOW WAS SHE EVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO ADD ANOTHER OBSTACLE TO OVERCOME WHEN SHE HADNT FIGURED OUT THE FIRST TWO?!
School was haaard. The classes, the homework, the personal challenges. She missed playing pretend wizard instead.
Her eyes flicked back to see her friend heading towards the infamous temperamental tree which caused her to pick up her pace. She went from content walk to regular walk to fast walk to full on spring. She HAD to get there. ASAP.
“ALFIE! Don’t go too close!!” she cried as she hurdled towards him, ready to grab him out of the way. What she didn’t calculate was that there was a stick in front of her which caused her to trip and tumble. Red flushed across her cheeks as she kept her head down out of embarrassment. A handful of seconds later, she looked up at Alfie. “oh hey. You got taller.”
Smooth entrance from littlest Nam. Alfie was still watching the tree, but to be honest he was starting to get a bit bored. Nothing was happening. He thought this tree was supposed to be exciting. Well, the word he'd heard most often was dangerous, but sometimes that was just another way of saying exciting. Right??? Anyway.
Through his distraction he heard someone say his name. Or yell his name. He turned, to reassure whoever was yelling that he was not planning on getting too close, and saw that it was Lisa, fellow first year and explorer. He smiled and raised his arm to wave at her, only to watch as she tripped and fell. "Hi Lisa." Taller? He blinked down at her in confusion for a moment until he understood. Oh, because she had fallen and was on the ground. He got it. "Are you alright?" He held out a hand to help her up. |