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Old 05-27-2021, 02:17 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Fifth Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: this rp is so good I wish people could see it aside from just Ravenclaws lolll
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post

He really did wonder what it would be like to witness someone coming into their magic, just for a brief moment. He hadn’t noticed with any of his siblings, Noah having kept it well hidden for years which he was often still upset about and having already been gone when Lisa and Maya started to show signs. He did pause hearing her mention they wouldn’t want to leave her alone, and he couldn’t help but question that out of curiosity. “Them being gone would leave you alone? What about your dad? Or any siblings?” Did Ash have siblings? He definitely did not think he’d asked that before, or heard of any younger years with her surname. But then again, if she did, her siblings also didn't necessarily have to be magic as well.

The message was clear in her answer her Dad was not a topic of conversation in which there was much to say, though he couldn’t be sure if that was from homesickness or from bitterness. Or maybe something else entirely that he just didn’t know the name of the emotion. Either way, he decided to respect what was unspoken and not asking anything else along that line. Even if he was curious what type of tech and more about the relationship. It really wasn’t anywhere near his place to pry, and he often at least knew his place.

Even if he sometimes decided to ignore it.

”Did you say antlers?” That was first the most important question he could think to ask in that moment. Because.. Well, what? Was there a spell to give her antlers? And had that been voluntary or cast at her? “I think the blame should fall primarily on Fake!Trent.” Because he was terrible, and he had affected all of their lives in such traumatic ways. Given the fact a lot of their current issues were in fact Trent’s fault, it made sense to him to just pile all blame in every situation on the man. In this particular scenario, he had no love lost on the dead - not when it came to that man.

“It does. Which I guess that also does sound low key terrifying. Because what if it failed somehow?” And instead, they’d just forever marred their faces. There was probably somewhere a fireplace could be found in the castle, but he didn’t feel the need to bring that up when the second point was reason enough to not do it. No way around not having trust, and now that he thought on the suggestion he couldn’t even blame her.

“Do you hate Nemesis?” He didn’t know what to make of the older student himself. And instead he just tried to keep a wide berth because them because he was intimidated. But the Slytherin had not done anything to Evan, not directly. If anyone would have some type of reaction or strong feelings about them, it would be Ash or one of the other students that had been trapped in the mirror. “Who are the three?” Unless she didn’t want to talk about it, which he would entirely understand if she didn’t feel like sharing that answer. It was a personal matter. And while she seemed content to answer most things, he would respect if there was something she didn’t want to.

“Finding places to feel safe is really important. I’ve been realizing more and more it’s… just here for me.” Here. On this floor, staring up at the stars on the ceiling. There was only a limited few who could get into this room. And that made it more secure than most of the castle. He’d much rather be in here. “I’m glad you found places that are good for you.” Truly.

Ash was pretty sure she had hidden magic well, just like she hid a lot of other things. The only weird things she had noticed were her wounds healing a little bit unnaturally fast, and how she must have used magic to save Theodore that day they met because it would have been impossible for her to paddle out that fast and drag him onto her board as an eight year old. Just... not possible. But those signs weren't noticeable unless you were looking. That was the general vibe of Ash. She looked like an open book, but some of the pages were subtly glued shut. So. People could think about that.

"I have a father. And a half-brother. But now that I think about it, they couldn't have left my brother alone either. Eleven year old, fine, but not a four year old. That would have been wrong." She avoided the question of how she could be alone if she had a parent. All the could think was that mansions were big empty places, with lots of places to be far away from your offspring. So. People could think about that.

But there were better things to think about, like the time she got set on fire. That was actually... not as bad considering her life since then. Which was sad to say. "He gave me antlers first. I don't know why." She shrugged. "I agree that we should blame Fake Trent the most, because he was the adult and I never liked him anyway." And she was happy to admit that.

"I don't trust magical transport too much. Especially apparition. Very efficient, but imagine splinching." She shuddered. No thanks, she'd rather take a bus. Or a train. Or a plane. Or a car. Or just walking.

Oooh, that next question... was... hard. "I don't know if I hate Upstead. I don't forgive them- I can't forgive them, but I don't know if I hate them. Because- I don't know, they remind me of myself, and I don't want to hate me." There. She said it. She swallowed uncomfortably, and allowed her eyes to zone out and focus on the ceiling instead of the uncomfortable reality.

"The three people are Rosier, because I hate him and good riddance. I never want to see his face. Cambridge, because... reasons." Cambridge called her a mudblood once, and Ash didn't forget. That memory danced across her vision when she tried to sleep, and it was on her mind when she was awake. She didn't forget. "And 'Healer Poppy', because I can't stand her." She. was. so. irritating. Even more than Cambridge. And Ash didn't deeply believe that Cambridge could ever destroy her completely. Healer Poppy, seemed super suspicious and Ash felt uncomfortable around her.

"I'm glad we both have safe places then. Up here is pretty secure. I also called unofficial dibs on a closet somewhere around here, and the treehouse is pretty great. It's important to have places you can... work stuff out, y'know." Ash needed a place to think, which was why begged all the older students to go kiss somewhere other than the one very specific closet she liked to cry in... like literally they could cry there too.. but kissing like literally why... anyway. "It's important to like, think about stuff. Whether that means going to a professor or a friend or just sitting alone." Ash had learned that, somewhere down the line.
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