not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤ Alfie had been at Hogwarts for a few weeks now and he was still discovering new things. He expected that he still wouldn't have discovered everything by the time he finished his seventh year. The castle and the grounds were huge, and there was so much to see. But that excited Alfie. He liked exploring and discovering new things. This day found him outside, exploring around the grounds. He had his school bag with him because his ultimate plan was that after a bit of exploring he would actually work on some homework. But he hadn't gotten there yet.
Where he had gotten was not far from the Whomping Willow. He had seen the tree before, of course. It was hard to miss. But he hadn't gotten up close and personal with it. Not that he was planning on getting super close and personal. He'd heard stories. He had a vague idea of what it was all about. But that just made him more curious about it. So there he stood, watching it from a safe distance. Was something going to happen? He wanted to see something cool happen. |