Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ash's mood improved significantly in the short span of time she had been in this class, for two reasons. One, no less than four people had chosen to stand near her. Sure, maybe they were actually just standing near Mamie, but Mamie was standing near her, and it totally counted. Good news! She had friends. She smiled softly at them, offering up a collective "Hey." The other reason was Cambridge. Ash wasn't happy that Cambridge had gotten herself injured- she did have empathy, y'know. But Cambridge walked around thinking she was all that and labelling Ash as a idiot with no self-preservation. The tables had turned. Ash wasn't sadistically gloating about Cambridge's injury, but... karma. Anyway, she was in a good enough mood to smile, which was rare for her. It really was a nice day.
...the question though. Not so nice. Ash grimaced at it. "Even if you don't crash, your legs can get messed up if you land wrong. Good landing is also important because you don't want to go full-speed face-first in the ground and die. " Dramatic? Kinda. True? Absolutely. You could die if you crashed. It was probably less safe than a car. "Um... one time, my broom exploded and then I fell and broke my arm. I don't suppose you'll be teaching us how to land after you've already lost your broom though..." And there wasn't really anything she could do about that landing either- pureblood supremacists had exploded her broom and she fell and broke her arm. Not really... an avoidable... accident. "That's the only really bad landing I can remember." Even though she remembered everything that happened since she arrived for second year with absolute clarity. Meaning, she landed just fine. Except, of course, when her broom exploded. |