Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Margaret was never ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER going to be late for flying class. She would skip breakfast, the most important meal of the day, if she had to. Luckily that wasn't necessary today. She had a normal breakfast, enough to keep her full until lunch.
She'd fetched her own broom from the broomshed, and was dressed for the weather and the anticipated wind, with her hair tightly braided to mininize tangles once they took to the air. "Good morning, Mr. Kazmi!" she said happily as she took up position next to Ashley with the biggest grin. "Great day for flying, huh?" She bounced on the balls of her feet, broom in hand, as she waited for the rest of the class to show up. Waiting was hard. At least she could wait with Ash. |