Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Ash would never, ever, ever, forget her broom. EVER. Ever since her broom was exploded and she broke her arm, she was very careful with her replacement. It was a super expensive broom, after all. Flying wasn't her favorite subject, but she was good at it and she might as well have the best broom she could possibly have. It was an investment. Ash wanted to ask Professor Kazmi about insurance, but she didn't, because she would sound dumb. Even though she clearly needed insurance, because the Neo-Alliance had smashed her broom. And it absolutely sucked to replace. "Hey Professor Kazmi." Ash managed a smile, because she liked this professor, even enough to call him professor. Even though this class always reminded her of Aguilar, and the exploding brooms incident. She had at least one good memory from last year- that one time when she won an apple and a coupon to the broom store. So... this class was okay. Mostly.
Ash did some leg stretching, or whatever. Not because she was cold. Ash didn't mind the cold. But her bodyguards had said that you always needed to stretch when it was cold so that you wouldn't get an injury. And Ash got in way too many accidents to get hurt doing something stupid. |