The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu
Quinn groaned to himself and rolled his eyes. Great. The two people he liked the least at Hogwarts (Nem and Emm) had come together today to sandwich him while he was on a reconnaissance mission. And he didn't even have Atlas or Eden or Lia or even Ash here as backup.... well, he would just deal, he guessed.
None of Poppy's stories stood out to him as particularly interesting or important. Just a lot of tooting her own horn, which Quinn found slightly annoying after a while. Healer Poppy seemed very nice and simple at face value, but there had to be more to her than that. And Quinn would figure it out.
But... he couldn't just stand around. Quinn got busy replacing the candles in the candle holder, keeping an ear out for Poppy's conversations and doing his best to pay no mind to the terrible-horrible duo.