Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Out on jobs. Grabbing food. But, at least Mr. Upstead was here, maybe he could shadow him. At least until an Auror returned. But then there was a patronus, and Upstead's wand was out, and Gabriel's wand was out, though a request for "help" was vague enough he had no idea where or why they might be needed. Maybe it would be something Auror-y. He hurried after Jake, not really needing to be beckoned.
He was amazed at how many people needed to talk to Mr. Upstead, and how well he ignored acknowledged and ditched everybody. Sheesh. This patronus must be important.
He was a few steps behind by the time they got down to the area the patronus had summoned them to. There were a few folks already there. He supposed one of them must have sent the patronus. Oh. This Conley fellow, apparently, based on Upstead's reaction. And a missing person? That was exciting. Maybe Gabriel could help! Like a Real Auror! He glanced around the area, thinking about what they'd need to do to secure the crime scene. There was, erm, a shoe?
"Should I run that shoe up to the forensics lab, sir?" Gabriel asked Jake. Or he could secure the scene. Or, frankly, whatever Jake told him to do. He'd get coffee if that's what Mr. Upstead thought they needed. |