Remy decided to take the lead with the activity, since she just wanted to get it done so the class would be over. She was feeling a little grumpy, so wasn't really in the mood for talking, although she was careful not to take her bad mood out on V. Nothing to do with her, and Remy didn't want to get on anyone's bad side. She read through the words on the board in her head to start with.
Remy then wrote the words down as reference:
ehwo ehwo ehwo
e e e e h w o o o
ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo
ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu
e e e e h w o o o
Ehwo... ehwo... ehwo..." She read the words after each other, in a monotone. "
E e e..." This felt ridiculous. Thankfully the room was filled with other students chanting it, too. "
... e e h w o o o..."
The tricky part... "
Ehwu... ehwa... ehwu, no... ehwi..." GAH... this was annoyingly difficult. Why couldn't they just do this on their own? "
Ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo." She had that part down, now just to reverse it.
Eh... wo... ehwo ehwa ewhi ehwe ehwo..." Remy THOUGHT she had it right. The last few sounds were simple so Remy didn't bother saying those out loud.
I think I’ve got it. Shall we try pronouncing it together??" Remy asked V. But she was itching to choose the cheese car for the next part of the activity.