Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Lisa read the description of the challenge and she was INTRIGUED. She was so ready to give this ago. Since she was impatient to get going and into the challenge, she made herself wait an extra five seconds because she KNEW she was counting quickly. And she didn’t want to rush Ivy. She was glad an older year was ahead of her because if she got lost then she’d call for Ivy’s help. Hopefully she could hear her....
Once the waiting time was up, she entered the challenge and stopped moving briefly to let her eyes adjust. It was dark and quiet. Lisa didn’t reach for her wand. Instead, she held out her hands and slowly walked forward, searching for walls or barriers in front of her with her hands. Small steps she took as she didn’t know if anything was out there. She would just take a while to get there.
When her hands touched a barrier, she’d tap it with her nails and then knock on it to see if it was hollow or not. And after a few minutes of walking around slowly, she was feeling more confident so she quickened her pace and then took a tumble over something. WOAH. She thought as she quickly got up to her feet and then began her journey again.
Slow and steady wins the race. No rushing.... she told herself as she pressed on.
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