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"Do you have a favorite flower?" Ash was quite interested in the meaning of flowers. And some of them were just pretty. "I like Alstroemerias, forget-me-nots, and carnations. Although wildflowers of any kind are just so pretty. And all flowers are pretty, mostly. I also like medicinal plants, because that's helpful. And I like trees because they're cool. And I like grass and ferns. And I like magical plants. And I like Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants. Plants are cool. I just like all of the plants. Even the mean symbolic plants, and the actually poisonous ones." Ash liked plants. Not on a loving-herbologist level, mostly just on a I'm-ignoring-reality/trauma-by-looking-at-plants level. "I do like music. Especially sad music. And showtunes. And love songs. And rap. And rock-and-roll. And classical music. And anything interesting." She liked music. It was a good therapist. Just like art. And surfing. All of her hobbies were like therapy for her, especially since she didn't want to do ACTUAL THERAPY (scary). "Can I paint you Quinn? I know we're talking about music, and we probably WILL be talking about music and flowers etectera, but I just want to know if I'm allowed to paint you because I wanna paint everyone I know from memory." SO that everyone could finally SEE what humanity looked like. It could also be considered a therapy exercise, if that helped his decision in any way. Pleaseeeeee. Pretty Pleaseeeeee. With a fruit salad on top?
Quinn smiled and nodded.
"Alstroemerias are very pretty, but I didn't have any in my garden sadly." He had forget-me-nots. They reminded him of Atlas's eyes. But, you know, in a friend way, of course. But he would never
say that... anyway.
"My favorites aren't that interesting, honestly... just dahlias, pansies and chrysanthemums. They're some of the first flowers I grew myself, so I'm pretty fond of them." Quinn liked trees and ferns and stuff, too, but he couldn't really grow those himself. Not right now, at least.
"I like plants regardless of their meanings, too. Those meanings are cool and stuff, but I feel like... you should like things because they appeal to you. And not because other people think something differently about them, whether good or bad." ....his smile faltered a bit. That sentiment could be applied to some other things, too.
"And, I mean, I'm definitely a fan of plants in general. But... y'know, I'm still scared about the man-eating ones. They're... spooky." He shivered just thinking about the man-eating hedges. Quinn would probably have to get over that, though... he was very interested in pursuing herbology in the future.
Quinn listened as Ash listed off all the music she liked. Which was... a lot. There wasn't much music that Quinn particularly disliked, but there were some that were... a bit much for him. Rock was a maybe, rap was a not often and metal was a never. He mostly liked pop music, but that was mostly what he heard in the car with his parents.... he wasn't a big music listener generally, honestly. He didn't really have anything to listen to music on, so... he never got into it. So he didn't really have much to contribute to Ash's music talk.
"Well, that's pretty cool. You seem to know a little piano, too."
Quinn blushed a bit.
"Um... well, I mean... if you want to, I guess that's alright.." He felt a little weird about being painted, but there didn't seem to be anything inherently wrong with it, so... why not?
"What do you plan on doing with the paintings?"