Lisa pouted when Professor Gunter called them back to the lesson.

Couldnt they keep dancing? Couldnt that be the WHOLE ENTIRE LESSON? She was just getting into the groove and learning all the awesome dance moves from V. As they were called all together, Lisa made her way over to sit next to her brother. She leaned against him and glanced up, offering him a toothy grin, before listening to the lesson at hand.
As Gunter started telling the LOOOOOOONG and non-abridged version of the Norse myth, Lisa spent the whole time imagining the event with the Marvel
Thor actors. She giggled quietly as she imagined the fight scene and even wondered if the Hulk or Rocket the Raccoon had gotten involved in this whacky and wild adventure. Hehe. She loved it. She’d have to ask the Professor after class when Marvel was going to do THIS story as a one off film. That being said, they’d have to cast new actors cause the last film was in the late 2010s or something. Almost 90 years ago.... WOW! The cinematic film still had aged well.
Swift and powerful? Hmmmmm? She paused. Now who would win in a battle Shadowfax or Sleipnir? She wasn’t entirely sure but she thought it’d be a tie. “
Wasn’t Sleipnir the Lord of Horses? Like Shadowfax from Lord of the Rings....” She HAD read all those books over the summer with the help of her parents. “
Did he have runes carved into his hooves that made him fast? Or his bridle? Or saddle?”