*steal* Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight SPOILER!!: Daniel Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Ever since some of the other students had mentioned the use of the shield charm during the first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Daniel had been wanting to learn it. This was why he had been wandering around the castle for a place to practice. He knew that there were specific areas in the school where he could practice his magic but he didn't want anyone judging him.
The spell in question had proved to be more difficult to learn than he had first thought and the young Hufflepuff was currently seated on the rug in the room, his finger traced the words in his textbook that was on his lap. The wand movement was a simple upwards flick of the wand and he had done that countless times so why wasn't it working?!
He raised his wand again, pointed it in front of him and yelled "Protego!" as he flicked the wand upwards but instead of nothing happening something DID. And it was not what he wanted.
Instead of the shield charm forming around him, the wand seemed to get a mind of its own and the first year felt a blast of energy hit him in the stomach. He toppled over backwards and gasped for air as he stared at the ceiling "Oww" There had been a time, a few years back, when Nem had spent an inordinate amount of time sequestered away in the spare office, and a forgotten classroom here and there too, sure. They'd given this office up after handling one too many disturbances - the place was practically a school landmark, may as well have been a through-way for foot traffic. In the end, it turned out that the many benefits of this particular room simply weren't worth it. No, they stuck to anonymous classrooms and various hideaways after that. Occasionally the Room of Requirement, though that place was unpredictable and fickle in its loyalty, and they trusted it about as much as they trusted anyone else around here.
Nemesis still had plenty of reasons to pass by this way, however. They happened to be doing just that when they heard some student casting a shield charm inside the office, at the exact moment that they drew level with the door. Didn't sound like it went too well.
Not knowing if they were about to walk in on a duel or a study session or whatever, Nem pushed open the office door and stuck their head around it, immediately spying the Hufflepuff sprawled on the rug. Ah. "You good?"
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