Which came first, the phoenix or the flame? Quote:
Originally Posted by NiallNIP Quinn had been pushing himself go out and about around the castle more in his free time. He didn't exactly have the security or freedom to be pottering around alone last term, but now... he had nothing to worry about. Or, at least, he was still trying to convince himself of that. He wouldn't let last term and the stupid Alliance and stupid dead dead dead Rosier have any hold on him anymore. He was so tired of his life being dictated by other people. He just wanted to be.... fine. He wanted his life to be normal and for his thoughts and feelings and emotions to be fine. So, the start of making himself feel more normal was... getting over his fear of walking around Hogwarts alone. He would go anywhere he wanted and no large hooded figured would be patrolling the halls to kill him on the spot. They wouldn't.
Quinn encountered a room he had never entered before, and it seemed pretty quiet, so he assumed that no one would be in there. He cracked the door open to peek inside and found Ash, sitting at a piano and singing. Honestly... he liked Ash, but what happened at the group "therapy" session was... strange. He was a little scared, truthfully, but... he saw both sides of the argument. He just thought that... some of the kids were being a little too hard on the Professors. They were stuck, too, you know? "You sound really nice, Ash. I can tell it's not, you know, flowing yet, but.. it's still nice." Quinn managed a little smile. "Thank you. I'm trying to put the song onto the piano. I've been doing that with a lot of songs lately. Very therapeutic." COUGH COUGH. Was Healer Poppy listening? COUGH COUGH. This is probably what she would be doing when she was skipping mandatory therapy. Because this was helpful and group therapy absolutely was NOT. This was optional and mandatory therapy was NOT. This was private and those mandatory group sessions were NOT. This activity was also not likely to end in disaster or screaming, and it wasn't stressful. It didn't have to opportunity to kindle a fire. And Ash had a highly flammable and explosive personality. Basically, this was good and group therapy was bad. Just in case there was anyone listening. |