Meda wasn't sure how to feel with so many looked around suspicious or even maybe scared. How sad it was that so many adults had made them feel so uncomfortable that they didn't think they could trust a professor. She really hoped her sister wasn't one of them, but she could ask her at this point, so she did the next best thing and waved her wand to bring on a soft lullaby. The charmed music would help the students that didn't feel they could use a potion relax enough to sleep without it and the students that had taken the potion, well the music might just slip into their dreams you never knew how sounds effected a dream which was something she wanted to point out, but would wait until students were deeper into their dreams.
Walking around the room she made sure each student was safe and comfortable during this activity and she watched for any that might have stress inside their temporary moment away from reality. She did not want this activity to be stressful for anyone and wanted it to be a positive experience that could help them in the future.
Checking her watch she knew some would be starting into their dreams while others would still be slipping into sleep depending on if they took the potion or not. Glancing at Irvin who took guard at the door she smiled, he was such a well adapted bird and his love for students showed all the time.
OOC: Hello, hello! I'm so sorry for the delay, I had a child get sick yesterday so my focus was there! From this point on I will be quoting students for the rest of this little activity to add in sounds or Irvin moving around. YOU will get to decide on if the sounds or movements come into their dreams and YOU get to decide what the dreams are, so your posts can be as creative as you would like for what they are dreaming. I'm really excited to read the dreams and how/if the things that Meda does come into the dreams