xD Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Misa had a page of notes of things to explore around the castle. She still hadn't found her place and was hopeful that across some water with a castle in sight would be reminiscent of the Seine.
Okay, hopeful was probably too high on the scale of how likely it would be that it would feel like home. But it was something to do and something to keep her mind off the reason she was at Hogwarts in the first place.
So she took a boat and rowed her way to the island. "Land ho" she said softly to herself as she made her approach. What was this island called again? More importantly - what was it that lived here? She vaguely remembered some sort of creature being associated with it so hopefully she was dressed appropriately. Not all good things lasts, and that included one of Noah's hiding spots in school; the school boats. No one has ever bothered him while he used it as a hiding spot to have a nap... or when he was cutting classes, like today. The day wasn't any different; the fifth year, who took shelter and warmth underneath the coarse canvas, was obviously tired and fast asleep in the said boat.
As he was fast asleep, he didn't realize that the boat took off for the island. Not even the motion of a moving boat roused him from his sleep. It didn't take long for him to wake up however, since he'd been sleeping for almost an hour already.
Noah turned on his back, stretched, and pulled the canvas away from him. That's when he realized that the usual shade of the tree was gone, and... huh.
The Gryffindor sat up confused, rubbed off the sleep from his eyes and realized that the castle was on the other side this time. A few blinks and he realized that he was with someone... and thank Merlin it was someone he knew. "Out for an adventure?" he asked as he stretched his arms and let out a yawn.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |