Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy Observation. Yeah, that was something that Noah was highly selective about. He wouldn't be caught observing everything that was in his living moments or in his dream state-- well unless of course it was something that really bugged him, you know? Prior to the war, he had pleasant dreams... fun and funny ones. After the war, there was nothing. It was as if his mind was on high alert all the time, and the littlest of things make him panic and worry. No such thing as 'relax' or 'at ease' existed in his mind as of late.
So... the potion. It will put him in a sleeping-sort-of state, and help him remember his dream. You know what? Sure. Since there were people who clearly had a deep-seated aversion to consuming anything from professors, they'd have to stand back and just watch them brave souls... and hopefully save them should things go... er... wrong. Yes? Yes.
Uncorking the potion, Noah downed the liquid in one go, corked the empty bottle and pocketed it. With the assigned lever, the Gryffindor pushed back on his seat, putting him in an almost horizontal position. The pink pillow was then placed over his eyes to give him maximum darkness.
His position made him all the more sleepy, and he willingly gave in to the sleep even for just 15 minutes.
Dream? Well, the potion should kick in any second now...
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |