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Finneas waited to make sure there weren't any others who wanted to speak on the subject and once he confirmed as much, he slipped a hand into his pocket. "For the rest of class, I will splitting you up into pairs. I'd like you and your partner to come up with a list of assumptions or stereotypes that wizards attribute to muggles." He took a deeeeep breath before continuing. His bones still ached. "Write each of these assumptions down on slips of paper," he raised a bucket off the table, in it were special slips of parchment. "And then ball them up and toss them into the fire."
He pointed his wand to the firepit and set it alight. "As we watch our assumptions burn away, try envisioning the same thing happening within ourselves. And, er, once you've done that, I have supplies for s'mores on the table. Make yourselves some delicious graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow nibbles, if you'd like."
Violet looked over at the girl she was supposed to pair with,
Misa Courant--a fellow fourth year, for a change. Violet felt like she was always being paired with a younger or an older student. Of course, since she'd missed that year, she was older than a fourth year ought to be.
"Well," Violet said, picking up a fistful of papers to write on,
"shall we do this?"