Seeing Evan’s thumbs up and smile acknowledgement of her answer made Lisa puff her chest a little bit and wiggle in her seat. Good. She had gotten it right and done him proud
Professor Schmoe spoke again and Lisa nodded as she listened to him. She then jotted down a few things in her notebook to brush up on. His next question stumped her and gave her pause. She didn’t know how to entirely answer it so she opted to listen to the others responses. She liked the notion that Claudine brought up which was all centered around getting to know muggles and not assuming or basing things off rumours. She was such a big fan
that she could have turned into an air conditioner ... I’ll see myself out.
She shot her hand up in the air to offer HER perspective. “
I agree with Claudine about getting to know muggles instead of relying on rumors or hearsay...” she began. “
I think how you move forward is you acknowledge said unconscious bias...” ohohoho she felt quite amused using such big words. Heh. “
And we strive to understand their viewpoint. People may not agree with it. That’s fine... I guess not cool but fine.... but there needs to be an understanding at least”.
Buuuut easier said than done I’m sure...” And she bit her lip from refraining to relate the situation to V and Daniel’s earlier outburst. She was so so tempted but she saw what happened to Atlas....