Pippa Weatherbee
Magical Menagerie

Model: Bonnie Morgan
Post color: "Magenta" Basics: Name: Pippa Jean Weatherbee
Heritage: Pureblood
Birth date:: May 17, 2064
Birthpace: Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England
Current residence:Diagon Alley, London, England
Wand: 12 in. chestnut wood with phoenix feather core
Patronus: Cockatiel
Boggart: dying animals
Amortentia: cotton candy, wet kneazle fur, and ocean air
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Pet(s): too many to count! but special friends include her monkey, Bo, Barnaby the Parrot, Darcy the Kneazle, and Bruno the Goat
Appearance: Height: 5 ft. 0 in. tall
Weight: 6.8 stone (about 95 lbs.)
Eye color: blue
Hair: red
Distinguishing Features: large phoenix tattoo on upper back (over shoulder-blades)
Family: Father: Bartholomew David Weatherbee, ship's captain and explorer (deceased)
Mother: Anna Jeanne Clisson, ship's captain and trader (whereabouts unknown)
Education: Hogwarts: 2075-2076 (transferred); 2080-2083 (graduated); Gryffindor
Beauxbatons: 2076-2077 (transferred); Papillonlisse
Durmstrang:: September 2077 (expelled)
Ilvermorny: 2078-2080 (transferred); Thunderbird
Education: Swedish Dragon Reservation: Dragonologist Assistant, 2084-2090
Magical Mystical Circus: animal trainer and performer, 2090-2099
Figg Memorial Kneazle Sanctuary: kneazle groomer, 2100-2102
Self-employed: part time pet grooming, walking, and sitting service, 2102-2104
Shopkeeper, Magical Menagerie, Diagon Alley: August 2104-June 2108
freelance Magizoologist:: June 2108-present
Pippa was born to a Bartholomew Weatherbee, a ship's captain, explorer, and adventurer who travelled all over the world seeking out new plants, animals, lands, and people. He took copious notes on his adventures and always meant to publish them but he died before he could finish. Pippa means to complete her father's work someday, but his notes are really in such a state of disarray that it is really rather daunting (and there are so many other things to do!) Pippa's mother was also a ship's captain and trader (and--let's not mince words, rumored to be a pirate) named Anna Jeanne Clisson. She claimed to be descended from the famous Breton pirate Jeanne de Clisson, but that sort of thing is hard to prove. She and Bartholomew lived briefly and happily together for a time somewhere in the Caribbean, but a few years after Pippa's birth, Anna's wanderlust got the better of her and she sailed off, never to be heard from again. But Pippa grew up happily with her father, sailing around the world with him on his ship and partaking of his adventures. Even at an early age, she was particularly interested in all the different animals and creatures there were in the world.
When Pippa turned eleven she got her Hogwarts letter and her father sailed back to Great Britain to enroll her and then lived in Scotland for a time. After her first year, Pippa's father withdrew her to accompany him on a journey to the Far East, for he felt that the experience to be gained from travel was as important as schooling. In fall of 2076, Bartholomew was back in Europe and Pippa spent two years at the Beauxbatons Academy. Her teachers there tried vainly to instill a little decorum and elegance into her, but she never really fit in. In September of 2077, she briefly attended the Durmstrang Institute, which turned out to be a bit of a disaster. After a month, both the Durmstrang staff and the Weatherbees agreed that Pippa would be better off somewhere else. Pippa spent the rest of that year travelling with her father, which she liked better than going to school anyway. By the fall of 2078, Bartholomew was travelling in the Americas, so he and Pippa decided to give Ilvermorny a try, and she managed to stay there for two years without serious incident. But in 2080, Bartholomew was getting homesick (and besides, he wasn't as young as he used to be), so he returned to England and Pippa returned to Hogwarts for her remaining three years of school, graduating in 2083 at the age of 19.
The year after she graduated, Pippa spent a final year touring the world with her father, and he made sure to show her all his favorite places and sights. When she returned to Europe, Pippa got a job as a junior assistant to a Dragonologist at the Swedish Dragon Reservation. She enjoyed that a lot and was promoted to senior assistant, but she didn't have the Owls or Newts required to go on to be a Dragonologist, so after six years she quit and joined the Magical Mystical Circus (a Wizarding circus of some renown), where she trained and performed with various animals and creatures. She loved this life, relishing the travel and the show business and especially caring for all the creatures. But in 2100, her father's health began failing, and Pippa returned to England to be nearer to him where he now lived in Kent. She got a job nearby at the Figg Memorial Kneazle Sanctuary as a kneazle groomer, but after two years, her father became so ill that Pippa quit work in order to take care of him. She ran a part-time pet service to supplement their income, grooming, walking, and pet-sitting for both Muggle and Wizard customers. Her father finally died in 2103, leaving his parrot, Barnaby, to his daughter, and Pippa continued her petsitting business while she settled his affairs. She had one particular client, a wealthy witch named Florizel Orpington, who was particularly fond of the way Pippa cared for her beloved kneazle, Darcy. When the old witch died suddenly in the summer of 2104, Pippa was surprised to find that she had left all her money, and her kneazle, to Pippa. Pippa saw the opportunity to fulfill her dream of opening her own magical creature shop, so she took the money and bought the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley, which was conveniently available, and moved into London. After a while, however, her free spirit got restless, so she sold the shop and went off adventuring as a freelance Magizoologist.
Pippa is quirky, unpredictable, and full of energy and imagination. She has her own sense of style and doesn't care one bit if others think it odd. She's used to keeping her own hours and living as she pleases, and she's not very good following rules and regulations. Though not unintelligent, she's not particularly interested in scholarly pursuits; she would rather learn by observation and experience. Because she's seen so many parts of the world, she's extremely tolerant and not easily surprised or shocked. She is very curious and loves meeting new people and getting to know all about them. Most of all, she loves all animals and creatures, even the ugly and dangerous ones. She believes everyone should have a pet, and that people who don't like animals just haven't found the right one yet.