Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
Reaching the Divination classroom, a class which he really was not very confident regarding his abilities or his belief, Evan was not nearly as excited as he might have been for some of his other courses. But he was here, and he would still put his best foot forward for participation. Filing into the classroom after the others, he eyed the poster with different potential greetings to give the Professor.
A lot of them involved physical touch. He didn't really like physical touch, for no more of a reason then he just didn't. But there was verbal greeting, or a wave. Seeing that the board was instructing everyone to sit quietly and breathe and he was not one of the first, he decided to be respectful of the noise and just go with the wave and a forced half smile, before he made his way in.
There were some familiar faces, if only from recognizing them from his other classes, but Evan opted to find a seat next to someone he did not recognize but who seemed quieter. Which was his generally preference. He slid into a seat next to the older Ravenclaw (Misa), judging by her robes and slid all of his belongings under his seat before straightening up and taking a few deep breaths.
He was not going to close his eyes, however. Sorry Professor.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |