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Alfred had been pointlessly wandering around the castle before he arrived at the laundry room. He was trying to get to know the place better. It would certainly help not getting lost all the time. He wondered whether there was some sort of map of the castle that someone had. It would certainly help. He had gotten lost around seven times in the last week, though thankfully it never made him late to any lessons. He had asked paintings for directions, which in his head, sounded very odd. One thing that didn't help were the moving stairs. They were an irritating nuisance. On one occasion, Alfred had been calmly and slowly walking to Charms class and was climbing up a flight of stairs when the staircase suddenly moved. He had to go all the way around, very nearly making him late.
Alfred entered the room and stopped when he spotted Lisa quickly shifting through a pile of laundry. Strange. Today wasn't Ravenclaw's laundry day. Then he noticed that she was crying. Oh no, what was wrong? What happened? Shifting laundry was an unusual thing to do when you were crying. He normally ate ice cream or just went for a walk if he ever cried. "Lisa?" He rushed to her side. "What's wrong?"
He wasn’t underneath that pile. She darted to the next, not caring how red her kneecaps would be from leaning on them or bruised if she banged then. All she needed to do was find Pascal, her chameleon familiar. He was just a baby. She blinked back tears that threatened to spill over and covered her face momentarily before heading back to flinging clothes left, right, and center over her back. She saw a bright yellow scarf and stuffed it into her pocket for.... purposes later.
Off went the pants, socks, ties, and shirts. She didn’t know if anyone was behind her. Lisa was singularly focused on finding Pascal. What if he was scared? How would she explain this?
A voice brought her back to her senses and she quickly whipped her head around to find Alfred there. Oh kim- She turned away, wiping her puffy eyes, as she didn’t want to be a crybaby. Clearing her throat, she turned towards him and pouted. “
Hey Alfred... I’m o... okay. Could be better.” SNIFFLE.
Lies! She was distressed. She blinked her eyes very quickly, feeling her voice become wobbly. She took a deep breath. She would NOT CRY!!!!!
Misty eyed... very misty eyed.
I think I’ve lost my chameleon... Pascal. He was with me before in the kitchens... He must have run off ... I didn’t even notice him.” She felt her lip wobble and she bit down on it before looking down at the piles of laundry strewn around her. She ofdered him a sad small smile. “
Guess..I’m a terrible lizard parent.” Lisa covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath. “
And I don’t know where he went. I just feel so useless and I hate it.”