Originally Posted by
astrocat "I'll just be Ash then, unless and until you decide to not like me anymore." Because if he hated her then he couldn't use the nickname. Rules are rules. Something she never thought she'd think. "Wait until I do something brave or explode something. Or... I don't know." He'd be surprised at how easy it was to dislike her then, when she was risking her life to get a sentence out, or when she was breaking both friendships(hi Sammy, Hi Cambridge, Hi James) and objects(haha mirrors). Maybe it would be easy then. "Hoping that won't happen. Fingers crossed." She crossed her fingers for good luck. Worth a shot.
"I know Noah. I drew him once, because his "Special Friend" -Lisa's words, not mine- Aboli asked me to. It helped me come up with my idea to draw from memory every person who'd let me. Just faces and stuff. A collection." She wanted to get the images of the people here down on paper, so that she could show that they were humans. Every pureblood, muggle, muggle-born, half-blood, squib and person who was okay with muggles was a human. Even the bad ones.
"You seem determined that I won't eventually. Do you want people to not like you or.. is it a self preservation thing?" Because he understood the second. It's why he didn't open up that well to other people anyways.
"Why would someone not like you for being brave? Or stupid for that matter? Maybe I would question your decision if really silly but it still doesn't seem like a valid reason to not like someone." Valid reasons for not liking people were if they hurt his siblings, or sabotaged him from doing well in his studies.
Or burned books, that was also a think he wasn't big on.
He snorted softly at the term - special friend - shaking his head slightly.
"She went through a phase too where she thought every girl that knew Noah's name was a 'special friend'." Which ended up being okay and actually just got her a good relationship with Noah's other friends -- once they'd set Lisa straight anyways. "
Did Aboli get the drawing or did Noah?" Because he wanted to see it, and would need to know which person to ask if this would be possible.
"I wish I could draw. It's such an impressive thing to be able to do." He was rather hopeless, but he could origami.