Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles She had obviously seen Florrie walk in but hadn't paid too close of attention. She was supposed to be reading, after all. And she was actually at least looking at the page of the book she had open when Florrie sat down.
She looked up to see a wand...ooh, her wand, being handed over. Margaret grimaced and took it, sheepishly tucking it into the top of her braid for safe keeping. "Thank you, Florence," she said quietly. One would think after last term, she'd keep better tabs on her own wand, but...reading was really hard. She closed the book she'd been not reading, happy for any excuse to do something different than read. "Did you come from the kitchen?" House elf cooking always smelled good. Almost as good as her Babulya's cooking. Florrie grimaced when Margaret used her full name, although it was quite possible the younger girl didn't see it seeing as she was reading. Or not, as the case may have been - the book was closed now, and Florrie leant over to peer at the cover. "That's dull," she commented before leaning back in the beanbag.
Nodding, Florrie pulled the paper bag onto her knee and pulled it open. "I did, yeah. Want a cookie?"
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽