That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Ew. This happy-go-lucky healer spread cheer and joy all over Serena’s answer. How a n n o y i n g.
Stifling an eye roll, the little redhead simply wrinkled her nose in distaste. If she ever thought her mum was a constant ray of positivity (UGH), this was waaaaay worse and she owed her mum an apology.
Obviously, the next question wasn’t an inclusive one, because Serena didn’t feel angry. She wasn’t going to go there. HER therapist wasn’t here to help her. “I am not feeling rage or sadness or mistrust about what I just shared,” she said. Had Poppy forgotten Serena’s statement? PFFT. She was ECSTATIC about her wand.
Students were leaving and Serena noticed Poppy’s expressions. In fact, every time a student said something defiant, her baby blue eyes shot towards the woman. Serena enjoyed seeing joy get sucked from someone so annoying. “If we’re free to leave then why is this mandatory?” she asked as more students left. It didn't make sense. It’s almost as if they were lured to be fed. Like cows.
Serena was no cow.
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