PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Oh no. Schmoe, no.
He couldn't resist the eye roll, despite really trying his best. He even turned away from the Muggle Studies professor so he wouldn't see. This felt far too much like therapy, and every time they'd tried to get him to talk to about these things, he'd sigh in exasperation. None of his answers had changed as the weeks passed, and eventually any talk of feelings would be immediately accompanied by an eye roll.
Hard habit to break, turns out.
Barely keeping himself from groaning as well, he looked around as people started to answer. He knew the textbook definition, sure, but that wasn't what Schmoe was asking for. His eyes fell on Nemesis just as Phoebe spoke. He definitely disagreed with them so much his teeth had ached, but he couldn't deny the obvious logic of their actions. Jacob wasn't sure what had made Nemesis join the Neo Alliance, but he'd supplied his own reasons for it in his head. They'd never know it, but Jacob had spent a good deal of his summer struggling to understand why his friend had done it. ... Former friend. Making up his own explanations had helped him move on back then, and it definitely also helped him keep his cool around them now.
Was this empathy? Jacob didn't think so. It felt like he was justifying years of friendship to himself, more self preservation than anything else. And like Pax said, whatever it was, it was useless because he had no plans to act on any of it.
Shaking his head to clear it of Upsteads, he considered finding a seat. This was tiring.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end |