Name: Violet Persephone Blackthorne
Birthday: October 13, 2088
Home: "The Rookery" in London
Blood status: Half-Blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Grandfather: Ignatius Blackthorne
Uncles: Horatio, Hamlet, and Helicanus Blackthorne
Mother: Helena Keystone Hurst
Father: Sam Hurst
Pet: Machiavelli (Mack), a magpie who likes to steal shiny objects
Wand: 10.9 in. mahogany, solid quality, with a Chinese Fireball dragon heartstring core
Favorite subjects: Potions, Ancient Runes
Least favorite subjects: Flying, Divination
Hobbies: Writing (she'd like to illustrate her own book, but she can't really draw)
Birthday: October 13, 2088
Height: 5 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: blue-grey
Hair: dark brown. shoulder-length
Complexion: Fair
Looks like: Jena Malone
Violet could be well dressed, because her family has money, but she could care less about clothes. She's mart, well-read, socially awkward, not a little rebellious, and intensely curious, and she wants to be a writer.
Violet's mother came from an old, Pure-Blood family which disowned her when she eloped with a Muggle. Violet was sent home to live with her grandfather when she was very young and barely remembers her parents. She grew up in the family's London home with her grandfather and three eccentric uncles. When she was seven, her mother's old school-friend, Jane Howard, came to be Violet's governess. Violet wasn't allowed to play with many children her own age growing up, and as a result, she's socially awkward.
She grew up intensely curious about her father, because her family refuses to ever speak of him, and because of this, she conceived an idealized picture of him. In what should have been her second year at Hogwarts, her father contacted her and persuaded her to run away with him to New York. There she found out her family had good reason to keep her away from her father and that he was a rather disreputable confidence man who seemed to mainly want Violet with him so she could use her magic to further his schemes. Violet's mother was no longer with her husband and Violet doesn't know where she is, or if she is even still alive. Miss Howard tracked Violet down in New York City before too much damage was done and brought her back home, but the governess was fired as a result of Violet's escapade.
Because Violet missed what should have been her second year at Hogwarts, she's now a year behind her class. During her second year at Hogwarts, she was temporarily possessed by a ghost and was embarrassed about it for a long time. During her third year, Hogwarts was taken over by the Neo-Alliance and Violet spent the latter part of the year locked in a room in the sub-dungeon, and the experience has made her suspicious, rebellious, and somewhat cynical.