Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein
In his excitement to congratulate his little sister, Evan hadn’t even noticed he slipped into a seat next to a familiar face not named Alfalfa. A smile was still on his face from his sister’s sorting, so he turned it to Ivy giving a nod of hello as well. “Hey Ivy. I hope I didn’t steal someone’s seat?” Since.. He hadn’t really thought to check that first. “This is my little sister, Lisa. Lisa, this is Ivy, fourth year.” Because introductions were polite right? Even if he didn’t really know Ivy that well either, and Lisa was asking the girl her name too but.. Y’know. Too late now.
He looked around the table again, wondering now if there were other familiar faces as he’d failed to notice Ivy seconds before. He found he did recognize at least one other. The girl from the butterbeer cart, Lia, believed her name was if he was properly following all of his sister’s greetings.. He gave a nod and a smile the girl’s way, with a small wave of acknowledgement.
There was another face close by he wasn’t sure he recognized, but knew that was not uncommon for him given how unobservant he really was, unless it was words upon a page. And he was suddenly feeling that lack of observance more and more with each face he’d scanned. There were a lot of people around, and they all seemed friendly enough with either offering greetings or giving smiles in hello. He wasn’t the most fantastic of conversationalists, or even being approachable, but this was the term to try he supposed. He had acquaintances, but no real friends at this school anymore so perhaps it was time to start trying to change that. So with a smile still on his face, he offered a generic greeting with a lame introduction to the lot of them around (Ash, Kaira, Heath and Avalon) . “Hey. Hope all had a good summer. I’m Evan.” And I have no idea how to talk to people.
His attention turned to his sister again fully when his name was shouted, and for a moment his eyes widened and he opened his mouth to tell her to not launch herself across the table, which she very much appeared like she might do any second, before it seemed she reached that conclusion herself and he was able to give a sigh of relief and put his smile back on his face. “I feel the spirit tackle hug. And I’m glad you left it at that.” Because something told him had she actually done it, she’d have fun and then she’d either start making it a habit and A) get herself injured or B) get them both detention. He’d really rather not have detention, though supposed it being just from an overexcited younger sister wasn’t that bad.
Her excitement was what had brought him back to Hogwarts. Because after last term, her fresh outtake on the magical world was refreshing. He might have felt cynical and moody about everything, and Maya seemed of similar wavelength to him, but Lisa? She was nothing but joy and energy. And while her ego was getting dangerously large, Evan just quirked an eyebrow at her and let her soak up the attention. Maybe her energy was lifting spirits of the others at the table as well. “Maya’s back at the Slytherin table. She’ll meet us after. I'm really, really glad you're in Ravenclaw too, Lees.”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start |