~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Oh. Fiona didn’t mind being hugged then. Claudine easily returned it, having already decided to not take Fiona {or anyone else she liked} for granted again. Fiona’s presence as a dormmate had been missed for the greater part of the previous school year as she hadn’t been stuck in The Room with the rest. Claudine certainly was impressed with those OWL results and she said as much. “I wish I was good enough to get an O in DADA; I got an A. I failed Divination completely with a D. But I did get O in Charms, CoMC, History of Magic and Potions.” Aibhilinn as chipper, wasn’t she? Perhaps the older girl just wanted to get over what happened last term. She couldn’t be blamed. “I hope you have a memorable final year.” Would it be a quiet one or a chaotic one? Who could tell. Either way, Aibhilinn was sure to remember it.
Claudine eyed Alfred {yeah, she’d be calling him by that name since she wasn’t one for nicknames}. “Didn’t you bring the cat with you?’’ Cats were allowed at Hogwarts, after all… Oh look. Another first year {Mystie}. Claudine gave her a small smile, already tired of saying ‘welcome’ to the newbs.
Her dark eyes trailed over to the Ravenclaw and she spotted Heath. Her smile grew a little wider and she waved back. Quickly because… you know… Claudine didn’t like drawing attention to herself. |