Welcome welcome to the coolest house first years and hellooooo my fellow Slytherins!! This was it. The final term. Her seventh year. The final leg of the race. She couldn't believe she had gotten this far. Or more so how fast it has come to this. Last year felt like a blur, and pretty much, she wanted to forget about everything last year. Going home afterwards didn't really help because of her and her mother constantly fighting, but that's a drama for another time. Right now? It was the Start-Of-The-Term Feast! A hopeful brand new start. Making her way to the table, Aibhi glanced seeing many familiar faces, and some new ones. First years.
Walking over to the table, she raises a hand and waved slightly to the table before looking at the table, "Here we are! New term. New faces! Welcome welcome first years, and hello to all of my returning Slytherins." the seventh year says with some excitement in her voice. No need to be scaring the first years away. She has definitely changed over her time in Hogwarts. Let's see how this term ends for her. With a light smile, she finishes with, "It's so nice to see so many new faces join our house this term, and to also see some returning ones as well." and with that, she sits down. |