Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch All summer his mama nagged him. 'You should research the school' she said, 'the change will be good for you' she said, 'it's a nice place' she said. But Mack could smell BS from a mile away. He knew this place was dragon dung. All summer Mack SUFFERED without his friends, the local hangout pool, and his JOB. He basically had been a poor man for the first time in THREE summers.
It had been without a doubt the worst summer of his life.
But Mack prevailed.
Still, Mack was in disbelief at his current situation. Hogwarts? What kind of name for a school was that? How was he supposed to get his Mack on in Scotland? Did they even habla espaņol here? They most definitely couldn't dance here. And not that many of them appealed to him. What a sad sack of potatoes the lot of them appeared to be. Sigh. He was just trying to live his BEST life and this most definitely wasn't it.
A lot happened while Mack mentally monologued his unfortunate circumstances, but somehow he was about to be sorted. Whatever that meant. The kids ahead of him were talking to.... a hat. Freaking fantastic. Delgado, Maximiliano
He rolled his eyes and inhaled deeply.
It was Mack, thanks.
The sixteen year old marched up to the stool and the dirty hat, briefly considered burning it, before he allowed them to set it on his head.
Now Mack didn't know anything about what was happening. He might have heard whispers about 'puffs' and 'slythers'... maybe even something about birds. But he really didn't pay any mind to these kids. They were weird.
But this hat was talking to him about houses and he refused to talk back. Instead he took in the information from this thing and decided this too was dumb. He was gonna make a list of dumb things at this school and send it to his mama. And then he was gonna wri- HUFFLEPUFF.
....What the hell was a Hufflepuff?
Before Mack could wrap his head around what just happened, the hat was pulled from his head and in the midst of cheering he was directed to a table with yellow decorations.
__________________ ♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____  ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 05-02-2021 at 03:28 AM.