Originally Posted by
Charely Potter
Dare wasn't too sure what to expect in the upcoming term as he had boarded the train. His oldest sister would be in her final year and his youngest would be a first year.. but it was a tough summer and it looked like he would be the only one willing to head to Hogwarts despite his parents' suggestion to stay. He had O.W.Ls to overcome and so much more to expect.
Dare was sure most of his classmates would be chilling in the back with the other older students.. but he felt like staying in the front this time. He wanted to get the first look at what he would be returning to. After waving his family behind the rest of the trip began. Closing his eyes, it would be some time before they arrived so he could catch a few Z's beforehand.
Violet felt she'd developed a better relationship with her family (well, most of them) over the summer, but suddenly over the last few weeks everything had blown up. She'd found out her Uncle Hamlet had been at Hogwarts, but on the wrong side (the side that was out to get her!) when she blundered into a heated argument between him and her grandfather. Her grandfather had become furious, her other uncle Helicanus stressed with keeping them apart, and the whole thing had ended with Hamlet packing his bags and storming out of the house (and whether that was his idea or her grandfather's was impossible for Violet to tell). All that, and her third uncle, Horatio, still in the hospital in a coma had made the end of summer a tense and unpleasant few days.
And there had been another big discussion (okay, maybe an argument) over whether or not Violet was going back to school. A discussion (okay, definitely an argument) that Violet had somehow managed to win. Now that she'd got her way, she was not at all sure she really wanted to be going back after all. But here she was, back on the Hogwarts Express, exhausted and stressed out.
Having stowed her trunk in baggage, she decided to do something different and get into one of the front cars, and found herself in a compartment with Darius Flynn.
"Hi," she muttered, collapsing into one of the seats across from him.