is free ^_^ • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Dare wasn't too sure what to expect in the upcoming term as he had boarded the train. His oldest sister would be in her final year and his youngest would be a first year.. but it was a tough summer and it looked like he would be the only one willing to head to Hogwarts despite his parents' suggestion to stay. He had O.W.Ls to overcome and so much more to expect.
Dare was sure most of his classmates would be chilling in the back with the other older students.. but he felt like staying in the front this time. He wanted to get the first look at what he would be returning to. After waving his family behind the rest of the trip began. Closing his eyes, it would be some time before they arrived so he could catch a few Z's beforehand. |