Office of Professor Oakey Gunter
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04-30-2021, 04:11 AM
Uncle Moose
Office of Professor Oakey Gunter
full office description
To Enter into Professor Gunter's Office you'll need to descend the Steps down into the the Ancient Runes Classroom. All the way to the back past the desks and his own is the door that leads into his private study. Knock first, if he does not answer right away don't hesitate. Maybe he's tangled up in something that prevents his immediate response. Be patient. Perhaps you could wait until he's available within the Runes Study Room. Catch up on some Homework while you wait for Professor Gunter to untangle himself.
Once he does answer to you and you enter. You find the study to be a basic but cozy set up. Two wooden chairs face toward an Arm Chair with a Coffee Table set between them both. The Coffee Table is occasionally cluttered with papers, books, or even comic books and graphic novels.
There are Non-Lethal potted plants of the Blueberry Bush variety to your side just as you enter, and just beyond them behind the Arm chair there is a Dresser, a Work Bench, and a Bookshelf. The Dresser is locked securely and will only open for Professor Gunter. The Work Bench has a toolbox set on top it. With bits of old and broken things spread across it. And the Bookshelf has all kinds of books. Organized with an massive collection of Muggle Comics and Graphic Novels that Professor Gunter has acquired over the years. There are also academic books on the bottom shelf of course.
Continuing around the corner of the Bookshelf sits a Globe. The Globe has marks on it for all the different locations around the World that he has visited in his late teens and early twenties. It is a nice conversation piece. Beside the Globe is a very comfortable Couch. Surrounding the couch on the walls are framed pictures of Family. Lots of Family. Maybe too much Family. There are also framed diplomas for both his Bachelors and Masters degree from Cairo Wizarding University and Edinburgh Wizarding University.
The Round Table set up in the Corner of the Room. Has baskets of fruits of vegetables. The main piece one might pay attention to on that table would actually be the Blender on that table. Professor Gunter loves his Healthy Veggie Drinks, and Fruit Smoothies.
The final point of interest within his study is the fireplace behind the two chairs. Not large enough to use for Flooing. But perfect should he need to make a fire-call. It also provides some nice heat during the cold winter months in up in the Scottish Mountains.
Need to Speak to Professor Gunter? Give his door a couple of knocks.
I'll respond ASAP.
Uncle Moose
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