open to anyone ^_^ A Poop * k8 *
Victoria had said her goodbyes. Dad, mum, the twins...
and Prince Charleston. Her Yorkie. With a bowtie SHE had picked out, and with him firmly held by her father, she had let him lick her face one last time before she boarded the train. She knew the rules. She KNEW the rules. And she and her dad had spent much of the summer trying to get her used to the idea that her Yorkie would be left home. And for the most part, V had been fine aaaaaaaalllllll summer....
The moment she had stepped foot on the train, waving one last time, she began to sniffle.
And as she looked for an empty compartment...the sniffles turned into...little tears...
And then the little tears turned to big tears.
And soon, Victoria was ugly!sobbing in the middle of the corridor and she was trying to hide her face because she did NOT want to be THAT first year crying on the train. She tried to get as faaaaaar into the back as she could go before the train left and perhaps she could find a shadow to hide in. Was there a bathroom??? ;___;
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |