Common Room  graphics by hermionesclone Once you get through the barrels, you step into a very easy and warm Hufflepuff common room. The Hufflepuff common room is decorated in the gold and black of the house colors - though nothing about it seems overbearing. The walls are a nice, honey tone with an accented black line in the middle of each wall. The fire place on the end is the most comforting place to be during the winter - especially if you wish to sink yourself into over sized comfy couches and chairs. Black and gold beanbags are also randomly placed around the room for anyone wanting to study in groups.
On the far left wall - in between the two openings that lead to either the boy or girl dorms hangs a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff, while smaller portraits of famous Hufflepuffs can be found scattered around the other walls. Sitting on a table you can find a small radio for any puff who wants to relax and enjoy some music.
Whether you are here to study or just hang around, the common room is always a great place to sit back and relax after a long day of classes.