Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Drowning in files
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| *randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) Text Cut: Aurora Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Aurora was glancing down at her watch to check the time, when the handsome guy was looking up at her so she missed his glance and didn't see how his fingers closed around a train ticket either. If she had seen that she might have asked what he was looking for. When he stood up straight again she interested looked the ticket over that he showed her. "Nice, you're going on a business trip outside the isles? Or maybe on a weekend trip with your girlfriend?" She commented curiously. Taking a trip on the Orient Express was something that Aurora wished she could do again sometime.
Shaking her head Aurora answered. "No, I'm not actually. I'm here to pick up my son from the Hogwarts Express." The year Lucas had endured under the Neo-Alliance terror she hoped he could quickly forget. "I don't have a husband. He died years ago." She supplied a little stiffly. Thinking about Sebastian still ached a little. Beginning to push her trolley a little forwards she hoped it effectively ended questions about her love life. "Nope," he said with a smile, amused that she too had gone 'are you single?' route. It appeared that neither of them were all too subtle. "Vacation - wait, sorry. Ya'll say 'holiday.'" He grinned again. He found British English amusing. "Solo holiday jaunt. Thought I would see the sites along the Orient Express." Which was truth, even if it hadn't been self-chosen. Nope if he hadn't been dismissed he certainly would have been back in New York reporting for duty at the Ministry.
Oh no, he'd upset here. That hadn't been his intention. He took a step out of her way. "Have you been?" he called out after her. "On the Orient Express?" Maybe that would get her to stop and talk to him again, although he also didn't want to keep her from picking up her son. He also didn't want to offer up any half-baked condolences. In his experience, they were hollow and didn't really do much more then irritate a person. Text Cut: Mr. Blackthrone Quote:
Originally Posted by MadAlice Ignatius Blackthorne had not been seen out and about in the wizarding world for some years, but here he was now, sweeping down Platform 9 3/4 like an elderly lion on the prowl. After the events of the past year, he had decided that no one but he could be trusted to meet his granddaughter, Violet, on her return from Hogwarts. In fact, he had been uneasy ever since he let her talk him into letting her finish out the school year instead of coming immediately home with him after the battle. How had that happened, he wondered?
At any rate, he had out-argued and out-bullied his sons (and that renegade Hamlet had not dared to argue with him very much), and here he was, standing imperiously on the platform and every now and then pulling out his ornate, gold pocket-watch to check the time. Just as he called out to the nice smelling lady with the pretty blue eyes, an older gentleman passed between them. "Sorry sir!" he apologized for his loudness. His American accent taking on a slight panged twang. Because he wasn't sorry and so his left leg stiffened slightly, the muscles clenching in pain. But the pain was worth it - well, so long as Pretty Eyes stopped again.
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